How's that AI Journey Going? đź§
I'm not an expert in AI. Nor do I play one on Linkedin.
With the exception of ecommerce, I can't pinpoint a technology that's become so ubiquitous, so fast. Or maybe it just seems so.
It's just that with ecommerce, you had a choice about getting involved or not. Not so much with AI.
So last September, I started my own deep dive into AI. Being a seasoned marketer, I've been somewhat inoculated against the lure of shiny new objects. Was AI really going to change everything? Was it worth investing my time? 🤷🏻‍♀️
After consulting some trusted digital thought leaders and dispelling the doomsday pall hanging over the subject, I decided to take the plunge. I devoted a weekend or two to toying around with ChatGPT. The blue-sky creative output was delightful, but something more focused....hmm, that was going to take some work.
Fast forward a few months, and it’s a completely different world for me and my practice. AI has gone from being a mandated chore to a foundational part of how I work. Who knew?
That journey has been eye-opening, and it’s made me curious about where others are on their own paths.
Are you one of those people who’s trying to figure out where to start? Or maybe you’ve already jumped into the AI pool but aren’t sure if you’re swimming in the right direction. Perhaps you can’t live without it.
Wherever you are in your journey, I’d love to hear from you:
Where are you in your AI journey?
➡️ Curious but Clueless – You want to learn but aren’t sure where to begin.
➡️ Wading In – You’re splashing around a bit with ChatGPT or tried a beginner AI tool, but you’re not using AI consistently yet.
➡️ A Sorcerer’s Apprentice – You’re incorporating AI into your daily work, actively learning and refining your skills although it doesn’t always work out right.
➡️ Movin’ & Groovin’ – You rely on AI daily. You integrate it into your processes with consistent results and are exploring advanced use cases.
Please share your personal experiences in the comments!
#ArtificialIntelligence #LearningTogether #AIforEveryone #Poll #MarketingEvolved